Friday, January 18, 2008

Saving Up Water and Other Supplies For Hurricanes

The most important thing that you need to worry about if you plan on sticking out a hurricane in your home instead of evacuating is just how much clean water you have to drink. If you live alone and there will be no one staying with you, it will be a lot easier for you to prepare to stay at home during the storm, but if you have a family that will stay with you, you will have to gather a lot more supplies. You should also have a good supply of non-perishable food (preferably foods that you do not have to cook and are ready to eat out of the package), batteries for anything you think you will need, flashlights, a hand-crank radio, and blankets.

The hand-crank radio will ensure that you have the capability to hear what is going on in the outside world during the storm, even if your electricity does go out. This will let you know what your local, state, and federal government is doing at this time.

As far as your water supply, if you have just moved to an area that is prone to hurricane damage, you should start saving up water as soon as you get moved into your new home. You can do this by re-using milk jugs after you have rinsed them out and storing them in a safe, convenient place in your home. You should keep at least one gallon for yourself and for each person you will have with you during the storm to use each day you expect the storm to last. Saving up a week’s worth of water in this way is advised and will ensure that you do not run out of water.

While the storm rages outside, do not drink water from your faucet because of the fact that it may be contaminated with anything from bacteria, sea water, and leaves to sewage and other hazardous waste. You can boil water from your faucet if you run out of the supply that you have saved, but it is much better to make sure that you have enough water put back so that you do not have to do this. Boiling water does not remove all impurities or harmful materials, especially if it has been contaminated with chemicals.

You can also buy some water purification tablets from some department and outdoor supply stores. Anyone who hikes or camps purchases these if they plan on going into an area of wilderness where clean water is not always able to be obtained.